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Karlie Kloss Acquires i-D Magazine From Parent Company Vice Media

Madeleine Foster

Karlie Kloss

Jared Kocka

Karlie Kloss, the American supermodel and serial entrepreneur, is making headlines again, this time for her acquisition of the iconic British fashion magazine i-D. 

Announced on November 14, 2023, in what could be deemed as a significant move in the fashion industry, Kloss' Bedford Media acquired the magazine, saving the renowned publication from its bankruptcy-plagued parent company Vice Media.

i-D was founded in 1980 by Terry Jones and has been at the forefront of fashion and culture ever since. The magazine is known for its cutting-edge photography, its fearless coverage of emerging trends, and its celebration of diversity. Kloss is a long time fan of i-D and is excited to take the magazine to new heights. "I am so honoured to be the new owner of i-D," Kloss said in a statement. "i-D has always been a pioneer in fashion and culture, and I am committed to preserving its legacy while also taking it to new and exciting places."

Kloss a savvy businesswoman and supermodel, has had a proven track record of success in business. Not only is she the founder of 'Kode With Klossy', a non-profit organisation that teaches coding to girls, but she is also an investor in several other companies such as Rent The Runway and much more.

Once the deal comes to a close, Kloss will take up the role of chief executive officer as well as Bedford Media's chairwoman. i-D’s current editor-in-chief, Alastair McKimm, will become the brand’s chief creative officer and global editor-in-chief.


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